Dual use refers to smoking and vaping concurrently. Sometimes, you smoke; other times, you vape.

Cigarretes and vaping device on each hand showing the dual use between vaping and smoking

For example, you might have tried to quit smoking by vaping but end up using both. Or, you started out experimenting with vaping and then started smoking as well. Some people turn to vaping when smoking isn't an option, like in smoke-free areas, in class or during work hours. 

What are the health risks of dual use?

Dual use is not an effective way to protect your health. Using cigarettes and vapes exposes you to the toxins in both products. These combined toxins can increase your risk of certain diseases relative to using either product alone. 

One study found that dual use of cigarettes and vaping is 20-40% riskier than smoking alone. This means that for every 100 people who smoke, 20 to 40 additional people who also vape could be at an increased risk of developing a smoking-related disease.

Graphic that shows the risk of disease from smoking, vaping and dual use, the dual use risk is higher

Dual use & quitting smoking

Many people who dual use started vaping as a way to quit smoking. Unfortunately, dual use can undermine your quit attempt. While many start vaping to quit smoking, it often leads to using both,  increasing their exposure to nicotine and other toxins. 

In a study testing if vaping helps people quit smoking, researchers found that dual users were less likely to quit than people who only smoked. Dual use made them more likely to return to smoking cigarettes full-time.

QuitNow dual use quit guide, image with a road between trees.

How do I quit if I smoke and vape?

There are several ways to quit or reduce your nicotine intake if you use cigarettes and vapes. Choose the option that best aligns with your health goals.

Quit smoking and vaping at the same time.

Pros: Quit nicotine altogether, which may lead to faster overall health improvements.

Cons: It might be more challenging to quit both at once, as withdrawal symptoms and cravings could be overwhelming. The process may feel more intense and difficult for some people.

Switch entirely from smoking to vaping.

Pros: Smoking carries the most severe health risks, so cutting out cigarettes can dramatically improve your health. Gradually reducing your nicotine intake can also help you manage cravings more easily and avoid overwhelming withdrawal symptoms.

Cons: There is a risk of compensating for smoking by vaping more, which could increase your nicotine dependence in the short term. You will also still be exposed to toxins and health risks from vaping.

Reduce both smoking and vaping.

Pros: Reduction lowers some harms of smoking and vaping and can help you feel more ready to quit. 

Cons: You will still be exposed to the toxins in cigarettes and vapes. Reduction does not eliminate any of the health risks of dual use.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Quitting Dual Use:

Graphic table guide to switch to vaping or quit both vaping and smoking to stop the dual use4

*The steps above will also work if you want to reduce instead of quit. Your journey is personal; do what feels right for you. Remember, it’s okay if quitting feels tough. We're here to support you every step of the way.