You can play an important role in helping someone you love become tobacco or vape-free. Someone who feels supported during their quit has a greater chance of quitting for good.
Tips to Help Others Quit
Use the tips here to better understand what your loved one is going through and to figure out how you can best be of support.
Tools to support your loved ones during their quit journey
QuitNow’s Online Community
Learn from others who are quitting or supporting someone through QuitNow’s online community:
Downloadable Resources
Check out our downloadable educational materials to help people quit and support others in the process. Materials are available in multiple languages.
Local Help Directory
There are quit smoking or vaping support services delivered by organizations in British Columbia that are not related to QuitNow. We have organized the local help by the five health authorities,
FREE Quit Smoking Support Services
QuitNow offers free support services to help British Columbians quit smoking and vaping. We bundle all of our services under something we call a Quit Plan. Learn about it and refer friends and family.
Fully Covered Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Prescription Medications
The BC government offers a 12-week supply of nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medications through PharmaCare to those who qualify.