What are nicotine cravings?
When you quit or reduce, your body needs time to adjust to being nicotine-free. You’ll likely experience cravings (strong urges to smoke or vape) as nicotine leaves your body.
How long do cravings last?
Each craving only lasts between 3-5 minutes. Wondering when cigarette or vape cravings will stop? Cravings and withdrawal symptoms are strongest during your first few days without nicotine. As time passes, your cravings should get weaker and less frequent, but they may still happen occasionally.
How do I stop cravings?
Cravings are unavoidable when quitting smoking or vaping, but you can get through them! Planning ahead for cravings will help you get through them and stay focused on achieving your goals. Read our tips below to help you plan to manage cravings.
Prepare to handle cravings
When a craving hits, it usually only lasts between 3 and 5 minutes! Use the 4 Ds: Delay, Distract, Deep Breathing, Drink Water to ride out the craving until it passes.

More ways to handle cravings
- Avoid your triggers: Cravings can be triggered by things that make you think about smoking or vaping —like people you vaped with, a place you often smoked, or an activity you used to do while smoking or vaping like having a cup of coffee. Read up on some common triggers to help you prepare to handle them.
- Have a friend you can call or text to distract you from a craving. Or call or chat with a Quit Coach by phone or Live Chat for extra support!
- Try Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or prescription quit medications if you are finding your cravings difficult to manage. Ask your pharmacist or other health care provider if these options are right for you.
Find support
For extra support with cravings and withdrawal, talk to a Quit Coach by Phone or Live Chat or reach out to others who know what you’re going through on the Community Forum!